Pregnancy Circles

Mama Lion Pregnancy Circle

Do you crave a deeper connection to your pregnancy as a rite of passage and wish you had a group of pregnant folks who also want to embrace the transformational initiation of pregnancy?!

Maybe you don’t have many pregnant friends but know that friendships that you form during this time will change your life for the better?!

Maybe you’re new(ish) to the Bay and looking for connections centered on being fully embodied and conscious during this pregnancy and beyond?!

Do you have questions, concerns, excitement, joys and narratives that deserve to be shared and witnessed by a loving group?!

Are you interested in setting up a strong foundation of community, ritual and pleasure upon which to stabilize yourself for the postpartum transition?!

Look no further than Mama Lion Pregnancy Circle with special guest, Britt Fohrman, who will be offering pleasurable embodiment practices, yoga and ritual throughout our series.


6 weeks of gathering:

Thursday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm beginning April 25th and running through May 30th.


We will honored and excited to circle up at Verve Wellness Studio in Bernal Heights.


Open to absolutely any and all who are pregnant. You are welcome to come anytime during your pregnancy. You are welcome if you are a single parent, you are welcome if you identify as queer, you are welcome if you are younger or older or if this is your first pregnancy or your fifth, you are welcome if you identify as trans, you are welcome if you are planning to birth at home or at the hospital. All are welcomed and encouraged to come sit in circle as long as you desire your pregnancy to be consciously transformational and held in community.

Being intentional about joining a community of other pregnant people will support you in feeling resourced, confident and clear in this time of shifting shapes. Together we will tell our stories, share, laugh, cry, dance, meditate and sing, like communities have been doing since the beginning of time. Carving out this time on a weekly basis will leave you feeling more tuned into your baby, more engaged in your pregnant body and more confident about the road ahead.

We have spacious time together to dive deeply into juicy topics like fertility journeys- storytelling, trials and tribulations, feelings and thoughts; embodiment practices- guided dancing, yoga and breathwork; pregnancy experiences-discomforts, anxiety, excitements; rituals- reconnecting with ceremony, marking transitions; birth preparation- fears, plans, joys; sxx and intimacy- during pregnancy, birth and postpartum; partnership/relationships- communication skills, boundaries and practices for leveling up and SO MUCH MORE.

Are you interested but still have questions?! Please come join Nile and Britt for a ZOOM Session Meet and Greet and Q&A Scheduled for Thursday April 11th from 7pm-8pm.


$550 gets you a limited spot in our 6 group sessions of 2 hours each. A mix of guided experiences and open sharing. There are work trade/sliding scale spots available and equity scholarships, so please reach out to Nile if you need to discuss financial assistance in order to join us.

Please get in touch with Nile Nash, CNM if you are interested or have questions about forging a solid connection to a community of pregnant friends that you can lean on during your pregnancy, your birth, and your transition into parenting.